Page Title, Navigation Title and H1 Title

Page Titles, Navigation Title and H1 all do similar jobs but are ultimately different things. Often you'll need to set three different titles in order to get the best visibility and clarity across on your website.

Page Titles

The page title is the overall name of the page. It's what Google show in the search results, and it's the title of the page at the very top of your web browser. Choose a more descriptive title here that accurately describes what the page is about.

Example: Website Portfolio: The Best Websites We've Built in 2019

Navigation Titles

Sometimes you'll want to shorten how titles appear in your website menu navigation. The page title you set may be several words, whereas navigation titles tend to be one or two words maximum. 

Example: Portfolio

H1 Titles

The h1 is an HTML tag that indicates a heading on a website. It's the title that will appear at the top of your web page and sets the scene for the text below.

Example: Our Portfolio

We're currently working on our documentation pages. If you can't find what you're looking for please email or just give us a call on 01823 299 519.
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