Adding a new blog

  1. Log into the admin area
  2. Choose News / BLOG from the left hand menu
  3. Then choose Add news 
  4. You'll need to enter the title  and a short description of your blog or news post. The description appears when you do things like sharing the post on Facebook for example.
  5. You may also optionally change the date and time of the post, and choose a different author if you're publishing on behalf of another of your website users
  6. Then click the SAVEbutton to create the (currently empty) blog post
  7. You're now ready to add content blocks to your post!

Adding content blocks to your post

  1. The blog post that you created above has no content, so you'll need to Add Content Blocks in Canvas Mode or Add Content Blocks in the Admin Area.
  2. You're done!
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